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Use of thewinnowing-fantoavert evilfromchildrenin India,Madagascar,andChina. Karenceremonyof fanningaway evilsfromchildren.A like intention of averting evil in some shape from achild is assigned in other cases of the same custom. Thusin Travancore, if an infant is observed to distort its limbsas if in pain, it is supposed to be under the pressure of someone who has stooped over it, to relieve which the motherplaces it with a nut-cracker on a winnowing fan and shakesit three or four times.S. Mateer, Native Life in Travancore(London, 1883), p. 213. Again, among the Tanala peopleof Madagascar almost all children born in the unlucky monthof Faosa are buried alive in the forest. But if the parentsresolve to let the child live, they must call in the aid of adiviner, who performs a ceremony for averting the threatenedill-luck. The child is placed in a winnowing-fan along withcertain herbs. Further, the diviner takes herbs of the samesort, a worn-out spade, and an axe, fastens them to thefather's spear, and sets the spear up in the ground. Thenthe child is bathed in water which has been medicated withsome of the same herbs. Finally the diviner says: Theworn-out spade to the grandchild; may it (the child) notdespoil its father, may it not despoil its mother, may it notdespoil the children; let it be good. This ceremony, weare told, puts an end to the child's evil days, and the fathergets the spear to put away all evil. The child then joins itsfather and mother; its evil days are averted, and the waterand the other things are buried, for they account them evil.J. Richardson, Tanala Customs,Superstitions, and Beliefs, AntananarivoAnnual and Madagascar Magazine,Reprint of the First Four Numbers(Antananarivo, 1885), pp. 226 sq.Similarly the ancient Greeks used to bury, or throw into thesea, or deposit at cross-roads, the things that had beenused in ceremonies of purification, no doubt because thethings were supposed to be tainted by the evil which hadbeen transferred to them in the rites.Pausanias, ii. 31. 8; K. F. Hermann,Lehrbuch der gottesdienstlichenAlterthümer der Griechen2 (Heidelberg,1858), pp. 132 sq., 23, 25. Another example ofthe use of a winnowing-fan in what may be called a purificatoryceremony is furnished by the practice of the Chinese of Foo-Chow.A lad who is suffering from small-pox is made tosquat in a large winnowing sieve. On his head is placed apiece of red cloth, and on the cloth are laid some parchedbeans, which are then allowed to roll off. As the name forbeans, pronounced in the local dialect, is identical with thecommon name for small-pox, and as moreover the scars leftby the pustules are thought to resemble beans, it appears tobe imagined that just as the beans roll off the boy's head, sowill the pustules vanish from his body without leaving atrace behind.Rev. J. Doolittle, Social Life of theChinese, edited and revised by the Rev.Paxton Hood (London, 1868), pp. 114sq. The beans used in the ceremonyhad previously been placed before animage of the goddess of small-pox. Thus the cure depends on the principleof homoeopathic magic. Perhaps on the same principle awinnowing-fan is employed in the ceremony from a notionthat it will help to waft or fan away the disease like chafffrom the grain. We may compare a purificatory ceremonyobserved by the Karens of Burma at the naming of a new-bornchild. Amongst these people children are supposedto come into the world defiled, and unless that defilement isremoved, they will be unfortunate, and unsuccessful in theirundertakings. An Elder takes a thin splint of bamboo,and, tying a noose at one end, he fans it down the child'sarm, saying:
The OldMan orthe OldWoman inthe lastsheaf.In West Prussia, when the last rye is being rakedtogether, the women and girls hurry with the work, for noneof them likes to be the last and to get the Old Man, thatis, a puppet made out of the last sheaf, which must be carriedbefore the other reapers by the person who was the lastto finish.R. Krause, Sitten, Gebräuche undAberglauben in Westpreussen (Berlin,preface dated March 1904), p. 51. In Silesia the last sheaf is called the Old Womanor the Old Man and is the theme of many jests; it is madeunusually large and is sometimes weighted with a stone.At Girlachsdorf, near Reichenbach, when this heavy sheaf islifted into the waggon, they say, That is the Old Manwhom we sought for so long.P. Drechsler, Sitte, Brauch undVolksglaube in Schlesien (Leipsic, 1903-1906),ii. 65 sqq. Among the Germans ofWest Bohemia the man who cuts the last corn is said tohave the Old Man. In former times it used to becustomary to put a wreath on his head and to play all kindsof pranks with him, and at the harvest supper he was giventhe largest portion.A. John, Sitte, Brauch undVolksglaube im deutschen Westböhmen(Prague, 1905), p. 189. At Wolletz in Westphalia the lastsheaf at harvest is called the Old Man, and being made upinto the likeness of a man and decorated with flowers it ispresented to the farmer, who in return prepares a feast for thereapers. About Unna, in Westphalia, the last sheaf atharvest is made unusually large, and stones are inserted toincrease its weight. It is called de greaute meaur (the GreyMother?), and when it is brought home on the waggonwater is thrown on the harvesters who accompany it.A. Kuhn, Sagen, Gebräuche undMärchen aus Westfalen (Leipsic, 1859),ii. 184, 512 b, 514.Among the Wends the man or woman who binds the lastsheaf at wheat harvest is said to have the Old Man.A puppet is made out of the wheaten straw and ears in thelikeness of a man and decked with flowers. The personwho bound the last sheaf must carry the Old Man home,while the rest laugh and jeer at him. The puppet is hungup in the farmhouse and remains till a new Old Man ismade at the next harvest.W. von Schulenburg, WendischesVolksthum (Berlin, 1882), p. 147. At the close of the harvest theArabs of Moab bury the last sheaf in a grave in the cornfield,saying as they do so, We are burying the Old Man,or The Old Man is dead.A. Jaussen, Coutumes des Arabesau pays de Moab (Paris, 1908), pp.252 sq.
The lastsheaf madeunusuallylarge andheavy.The last sheaf, designated as the Old Woman, is oftendistinguished from the other sheaves by its size and weight.Thus in some villages of West Prussia the Old Woman ismade twice as long and thick as a common sheaf, and astone is fastened in the middle of it. Sometimes it is madeso heavy that a man can barely lift it.W. Mannhardt, op. cit. p. 324. At Alt-Pillau,in Samland, eight or nine sheaves are often tied togetherto make the Old Woman, and the man who sets it upgrumbles at its weight.Ibid. pp. 324 sq. At Itzgrund, in Saxe-Coburg,the last sheaf, called the Old Woman, is made large withthe express intention of thereby securing a good crop nextyear.Ibid. p. 325. The author of Diegestriegelte Rockenphilosophie (Chemnitz,1759) mentions (p. 891) theGerman superstition that the last sheafshould be made large in order thatall the sheaves next year may be ofthe same size; but he says nothing asto the shape or name of the sheaf.Compare A. John, Sitte, Brauch undVolksglaube im deutschen Westböhmen(Prague, 1905), p. 188. Thus the custom of making the last sheaf unusuallylarge or heavy is a charm, working by sympathetic magic,to ensure a large and heavy crop at the following harvest.In Denmark also the last sheaf is made larger than theothers, and is called the Old Rye-woman or the Old Barley-woman.No one likes to bind it, because whoever does sowill be sure, they think, to marry an old man or an oldwoman. Sometimes the last wheat-sheaf, called the OldWheat-woman, is made up in human shape, with head,arms, and legs, and being dressed in clothes is carriedhome on the last waggon, while the harvesters sit besideit drinking and huzzaing.W. Mannhardt, op. cit. p. 327. Of the person who binds thelast sheaf it is said, She or he is the Old Rye-woman.Ibid. p. 328.
The OldWife(Cailleach)in the lastsheaf atharvest inthe islandsof Lewisand Islay. The OldWife atharvest inArgyleshire.The reaperof the lastsheaf calledthe Winter.To illustrate the custom by examples, in Bernera,on the west of Lewis, the harvest rejoicing goes bythe name of the Old Wife (Cailleach) from the last sheafcut, whether in a township, farm, or croft. Where thereare a number of crofts beside each other, there is alwaysgreat rivalry as to who shall first finish reaping, and sohave the Old Wife before his neighbours. Some peopleeven go out on a clear night to reap their fields after theirneighbours have retired to rest, in order that they may havethe Old Wife first. More neighbourly habits, however,usually prevail, and as each finishes his own fields he goesto the help of another, till the whole crop is cut. The reapingis still done with the sickle. When the corn has beencut on all the crofts, the last sheaf is dressed up to look aslike an old woman as possible. She wears a white cap, adress, an apron, and a little shawl over the shoulders fastenedwith a sprig of heather. The apron is tucked up to form apocket, which is stuffed with bread and cheese. A sickle,stuck in the string of the apron at the back, completes herequipment. This costume and outfit mean that the OldWife is ready to bear a hand in the work of harvesting.At the feast which follows, the Old Wife is placed at thehead of the table, and as the whisky goes round each of thecompany drinks to her, saying, Here's to the one that hashelped us with the harvest. When the table has beencleared away and dancing begins, one of the lads leads outthe Old Wife and dances with her; and if the night is finethe party will sometimes go out and march in a body to aconsiderable distance, singing harvest-songs, while one ofthem carries the Old Wife on his back. When the Harvest-Homeis over, the Old Wife is shorn of her gear and usedfor ordinary purposes.R. C. Maclagan, Notes on folk-lore objects collected in Argyleshire,Folk-lore, vi. (1895) pp. 149 sq. In the island of Islay the last corncut also goes by the name of the Old Wife (Cailleach), andwhen she has done her duty at harvest she is hung up on thewall and stays there till the time comes to plough the fieldsfor the next year's crop. Then she is taken down, and on thefirst day when the men go to plough she is divided amongthem by the mistress of the house. They take her in theirpockets and give her to the horses to eat when they reachthe field. This is supposed to secure good luck for the nextharvest, and is understood to be the proper end of the OldWife.R. C. Maclagan, op. cit. p. 151. In Kintyre also the name of the Old Wife is givento the last corn cut.R. C. Maclagan, op. cit. p. 149. On the shores of the beautiful LochAwe, a long sheet of water, winding among soft green hills,above which the giant Ben Cruachan towers bold and ruggedon the north, the harvest custom is somewhat different.The name of the Old Wife (Cailleach) is here bestowed, noton the last corn cut, but on the reaper who is the last tofinish. He bears it as a term of reproach, and is notprivileged to reap the last ears left standing. On the contrary,these are cut by the reaper who was the first to finishhis spagh or strip (literally claw), and out of them isfashioned the Maiden, which is afterwards hung up, accordingto one statement, for the purpose of preventing thedeath of horses in spring.Ibid. pp. 151 sq. In the north-east of Scotlandthe one who took the last of the grain from the field tothe stackyard was called the winter. Each one did whatcould be done to avoid being the last on the field, and whenthere were several on the field there was a race to get off.The unfortunate winter was the subject of a good deal ofteasing, and was dressed up in all the old clothes that couldbe gathered about the farm, and placed on the bink to eathis supper.Rev. Walter Gregor, Notes on theFolk-lore of the North-East of Scotland(London, 1881), p. 182. So in Caithness the person who cuts the lastsheaf is called Winter and retains the name till the nextharvest.Rev. J. Macdonald, Religion andMyth (London, 1893), p. 141. 2ff7e9595c